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S/326 French Parquetry Table Top Cabinet

The top, with a decorative inlaid panel, is above the tambour slide constructed with kingwood in a herringbone design and fitted with a brass handle, which slides up to reveal an interior made in mahogany, comprising of three horizontal divisions for letters or papers, a small drawer fitted with a brass knob handle and a full width mahogany drawer with compartments to the front for pens and an ink bottle, which is fitted with a decorative escutcheon, lock and key that locks both the drawer and tambour slide.

The whole, outlined in brass and with conforming decorative inlaid panels of kingwood and Goncalo Alves, is of the finest quality and has a metal plaque to the underside: 'Bibliotheques Tournantes Et Appui-Livres, E. M. Terquem, 19 Rue Scribe, Paris.'

Kingwood originates from a smallish tree found in a small area in Brazil. It was used in the finest of furniture, in particular inlay. It is difficult to work with, as it is very hard and blunts tools quickly. When cut it produces a fragrant floral smell.

Goncalo Alves is sometimes referred to as zebrawood or tigerwood. The wood colour deepens with exposure and age and has a natural luster. It is found in neotropical forests, in particular in Brazil.

Sold 11 in. (28 cm.) Wide
10 in. (25.5 cm.) Deep
7¾ in. (19.5 cm.) High
French Circa 1900